I write this tonight on the couch of my sister's in Miami. Day 1 was in Miami, and Day 300 is here as well. So that's something. She is next to me, asleep, and yet pretending to still be watching Imagine Me and You, this fantastic movie Lara and I saw in Singapore with Diana back in September.
Major centenniel TrippingOnWords anniversaries are strange to experience without Lara. If I remember correctly, on Day 100 we were in India, and on Day 200 we were in Kenya. I will make my guesses as per Day 400 (we do have plans after all), but you never know.
Today I am including an awesome cartoon of my dad, Lance Williams, and his partner Mark Fainaru-Wada. Jeff Millar and Bill Hinds are the cartoonists that create Tank McNamara cartoons, and they were nice to do one last week about the BALCO stuff, and the idiocy that is sending my father to jail and not Barry.

I wrote them, as per an email I found on their website, and they kindly replied right away that it was fine for me to use the cartoon - and then also sent the best of luck to my dad and Mark. Maybe I'll revise my self-imposed ban on cartoons and comics (I like real people), because these guys were so great. For more of their stuff, look here.
On Day 300, it is also important to clarify that our blog is not going downhill. I will do this using the words of my dear high school friend, Catherine, who had an excellent assessment of the state of failing Souther California television programs
"Now that the OC had its official 'we live in California land of earthquakes so therefore this is an obvious plot-line we must succomb to due to our failed ratings and loss of key cast members', the parallels with Beverly Hills 90210* are complete. Both shows had glory days, then resorted to crazy plot-lines full of action packed chaos to make up for no one really caring about the show anymore."
We just want to let you know that although we have been going a long time now - 300 whole days - we will not be resorting to outlandish chaos to retain your readership. Just the usual, mind you.
* I want to alert you the my latest research findings: Jason Priestly, of the aforementioned 90210, is expecting is his first child, as per celebrity-babies.com (which, yes, exists). Secondarily, and more interesting to me, the age of his wife was revealed. When he and this cute brit got married a few years back I was convinced she was really young and scoured the web to find out. Alas, I have waited 2 years to learn she is only 6 years younger than Jason. The things I do with my time astound.
Happy Anniversary to US!!!!!
Missing you too, Clara. And no...not heading downhill. Onward and upward!!!!
nice use of chaos claire.
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