Day 731: Best Interview Tips (From Lara)

I love when I see emails I am not supposed to see. Today, James forwarded me Lara's Best Interview Tips - a letter she prepped for Hope Runs Scholar James in Nairobi to help him get ready for his interview for a study abroad program in Korea next year. I now want Lara to give me such peppy, positive advice for my interviews. Seriously, though, I find the advice here quite useful and wonder when Lara became such a grown up. Use this on your next interview people.

Some highlights of her advice:

You want to dress "professionally" so like pants and a collared shirt or even a jacket or tie. It depends on how formal the interview is--as long as you look clean and presentable, and handsome as always!

I tend to always bring writing material so I can take notes if they say anything I need to follow-up on.

So how it should go--

you should show courage--be confident is more like it. You want to look them in the eye and not be too shy. Shake their hands FIRMLY (don't hurt them, but don't be a baby about it) But definitely be yourself--if you try to transform into a robot, they will not be able to appreciate how personable and funny you are!

As for their harder questions--American harder questions are:

"why do you think you deserve to go?"

I would say you deserve to go because you have been working really really hard and are excited about the opportunity. You also should know that you can succeed since you have a small amount of experience with international people (like me!) and you are really excited to learn about new cultures and new ways of doing things. You are adventurous and want to see things outside of Kenya and Africa, and think this is an AMAZING opportunity!

What are your biggest weaknesses?

I would try to find something that might be hard for you while abroad and discuss it honestly, without making it seem like a true weakness. It's hard--but something like the fact that you have very close ties to your family, and you know leaving will be hard might be a weakness. However, you should then go on to say why you know you can overcome this weakness (you are able to keep in e-mail contact, they are prepared for you to go abroad etc etc.) understand? You need to be honest about something that will be hard for you, but then make it clear that you have thought about the issue and are prepared to overcome it.

Why do you want to do this?

Have a few points that discuss why you personally want to do this, as well as why you want to do this particular program. Do some research into the program and find ways that you think it is a good one that will be a good fit for you and be ready to talk about it. Do you go over with other Daystar students? Discuss how this could help you with homesickness...things like that. Make it obvious that you personally are up to the challenge, and that you have worked hard for this chance, and that you know this is just the right way for you to study abroad.

Do you have any questions for us?

Try to think of a few things about the program that you are wondering about--if you have any questions prepared (if they ask for them!) it makes it clear that you have done research into what you are applying for!

GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK!!! Remember--be yourself! you are wonderful and funny and smart and they will snatch you up as soon as they meet you!

1 comment:

christine said...

Good Luck James with your interview!

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