This is Andy. Doesn't he look smart and capable? We don't know what he's doing here but we love him.
No really.
In case you had not noticed, our blog looks different. This is because Andy is a genius, and more to the point because he is patient enough to accept emails from Claire years after freshman year of college when she first started harassing him to help her with her computer. We tried for WAY WAY WAY too long to to put up this beautiful template (thanks for letting us copy you shamelessly Savvy Sunshine) and couldn't get it to not look like a blog on 'eroin (as our french friends kept calling it). We know this is pathetic. I'm sure there will be numerous comments on how easy HTML is and how lazy we are and how unfeminist it is to pull in a man to help (gasp) but he did it and we love him and you are all enjoying the fruits of his labors.
So three cheers for Andy! You are the TrippingOnWords hero.
ps--thanks also to JONATHAN who almost helped us this time, and wrote a funny email demanding to know: "What Am I Your Blog Call-Boy Now?!" He has been our savior more times than we can count in the past.
pps- Ryan! Aren't you glad your freshmen are all still friends seven years later?
ppss (ppps? which is it? Yeah, we're editors for a living. What?) at exactly 11:47 AM Kathmandu time, Claire attempted to add a widget to the blog template. The whole template wrecked. No worries, it is now 11:49 and Andy has been emailed. Look out for it A-rock!
I just came across your travel blog. I want my daughters to be inspired by your travels. Long ago I traveled and sometimes now I wish I had never stopped when I did. Those days are some of my favorite memories and remind me of the person I used to be and hope is still somewhere inside. The roads I travel now are full of learning, they're just closer to home.
Best wishes!
Hello! I've been meaning to check out your blog ever since I saw it on BestestBlogofAllTime. I'm glad I did! You two are very funny and sooo real. Thanks for a great read. I will check back often.
P.S. I like your template and the animated sidebar rocks.
I don't think I found out how you can afford to travel the world, I'm presuming your getting paid to write about it. It's a VERY consuming blog, I'm always looking for some form of escape from my boring life so now I can live vicariously through you.
ENJOY, your only young once and experiencing so many different cultures, people, and places make for truly memorable times that you'll look back on. Somehow getting older people are grumpier about travelling because of the "been there done that" attitude and the hassle of it all.
I'm at work right now and I'll try to take a look at this stuff when I
have some time.
I think we may have to institute a new rule for you. Whenever you
want something added to your template, you first have to try to add it
yourself, and when you fail send me not only what you wanted to add
but a description of WHERE in the HTML you tried to add it, and WHY
you tried to add it there. That way I can try to understand what you
were doing wrong, and gradually ween you off HTML tech support.
(I know, I know, it'll be hard...but it's kinda like potty
training...everyone learns how to use the throne
eventually...typically by age four :P)
Thanks for the shoutout girls!
Looks great!
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