Day 180: Musical Montage...

...Of, you guessed it, Claire and Lara. We should do this in every country. Mongolia here we come!*

*We leave our 72 hours in Beijing on the TranSiberian Train for Mongolia and Russia. The highlight of Bejing was our twelve hours with Spencer Smith, a college friend who Claire studied abroad in Chile with. Spencer, who works in Mountain View (guess where everyone) is in Beijing for work and happened to be walking down the same extremely busy street Claire was and it was extremely extremely more than interesting. By the time we found Lara, I (Claire) was still too shaken up to speak. But apparently Lara had a dream that I would show up with someone when I met her this afternoon, so it was all as planned.


Sunshine said...

That was fun, but make it longer, please!

It's funny how that stuff works out, huh?

Dragons said...

Auntie Ah, That's a silly fing to do. That IS funny! I missed you - you FORGOT the cawl. You didn't get the cawl and I wanted you to set up with your web cam. I got lur message. I love you.

sarah mac said...

as a frequent reader of your blog, you can imagine my surprise and excitement that you're going to mongolia since my boyfriend Jake will be leaving in less than 12 hours for Ulaanbataar (outer mong) for a 10-day photo shoot. now i'm not offering him as a date for claire (as fond of her as i have become), but definitely for a round of beers and laughs for you both. he is quite charming and funny and while he talks too much, he usually has interesting things to say. he is already familiar with your blog and found your hate to help project intruiging since he tried in vain to bequeath his fleece pullover to anyone who would have it in india. needless to say, there were no takers. let me know if you want an introduction.

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