Day 188: Irkutsk, Russia is the Paris of Siberia

This is actually true apparently. For further life knowledge:

1. Buenos Aires is the Paris of the Southern Hemisphere.
2. Berkeley, Ca is the Athens of the West.
3. Edinburgh, Scotland is the Athens of the Northern Hemisphere.

Our guidebook for the Transiberian Railway (yes, one whole guidebook makes us amazingly prepared Travel Writers on this leg of the RTW trip) says the following about the nightlife in charming Irkutsk, Russia, where we now find ourselves in mittens:

"This is Siberia, not New York, but Irkutsk is at least livelier in the evenings than it as in the communist era."

As for us, the train is long, we are tired and cold. And we are going to a living history museum of depressing Siberian living inthe 18th century today in Irkutsk!


alphawoman said...

I'm certain your insights will make it entertaining and less depressing.

Jimmy Tran said...

I go back to visit my alma mater every so often (since I grew up there too) and Berkeley, CA is coming American Apparelified, a hub for hipsterdom. Tear.

sarah mac said...

pleasepleaseplease post the videos of mongolia when the internet know how excited that would make me!!!! will really impress the russians if you can tell them what the USSR stands for (in russian of course...something like this: sovietsky siuzni socialitsisky respubliki...that's phonetic, of course)

Anonymous said...

hey, your blog has always entertained me. but this time i am here to ask you for a favor. i know that you go to places where the blog is not supported and you post through your email.
could you please tell me how that works? i cannot access my blog and the only way i can post is through email, and i dont know how to do that.

your help will be appreciated. if you could email me at

Claire and Lara said...

sarahmac: this is our first priority. in the next few days in moscow, fingers crossed. you have a few shout outs...

in2deep: we need more information to help you. one thing: if you are in some censored country go through explain your blog!

Claire and Lara said...

in2deep: are you in pakistan? we think so...

Anonymous said...

what information do you need though i am going to cooltunnel and see if it can help.
and yes, i am currently in pakistan. ever been here?

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