In location independent news, we have a present to buy for our friend Amalia. She has been nice and helpful lately, so we are adopting her an aminal.
We have narrowed the list down to three, sponsored by the World Wildlife Federation:
1. A chicken
2. A turkey (we feel this adds a little moral irony given the fact that the gift will be given near Thanksgiving time)
3. A sea horse (the only animal species that has the males getting pregnant rather than the females. It’s true!)
Please let us know which one of these animals says “thanks for putting up with us!” most clearly to you.
I think turkey, because she's have to be a turkey to put up with you two and help you out enormously, like she has (I'm sure)!
seahorse fo sheezy. altho male penguins also tend to do their share (sniff)...
how about a meerkat? i don't really like the three options for the following reasons...
#1 - turkeys are quite stupid as evidenced by the fact that they can drown in the rain while trying to get a drink.
#2 - chickens frighten me and i'm projecting this fear onto everyone in the world because i assume everyone should be afraid of chickens like me
#3 - as much as i love sea horses, they are quite fragile and confounding little creatures. i would think that the seahorse would want some friends to bob around with and who is really going to maintain a collection of seahorses anyway.
thus, back to my original suggestion...meerkats are fuzzy, cute, very smart, have a diverse diet which means you can feed them just about anything, are immune to scorpion venom (which might come in handy if she needs to use the meerkat as a scorpion shield) and they hail from south africa, which i find immensely appropriate. plus they make this really funny chirping sound that makes me laugh.
I vote for a seahorse or a turkey...
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