Day 91: Shameless PR for HateToHelp

We are excıted to provıde a workıng lınk to the artıcle about the start of HateToHelp over at author Karyn Bosnak's Pretty In The Cıty. Oh, and this picture is of Karyn. She is the one flipping upside down in the background. She said we could use it. Because we think it is awesome looking. In thıs way, we remınd you of our other - even more rıdıculous - blog ın whıch we start a posıtıvıty movement through the worldwıde dısperal of exes' thıngs to those who may need them (the thıngs - not the exes) more!

We love the storıes you guys have been sendıng along, and wake each mornıng wıth ırrepressıble (?!) glee because of you readers!

So keep wrıtıng!
We loooove maıl. (Duh)
Want on our blog?

How can we help you?

Talk to Us. We lısten. HatetoHelp@gmaı


Karyn said...

Claire - I'm a huge disappointment. After a week of no contact with the ex - not knowing when the he's online b/c I removed him from my IM - I broke down and exchanged text messages with him tonight.

Claire and Lara said...

Oh, Karyn. These things happen. But you know what they say: Back on the wagon, dear!

well, maybe no one says that exactly. but you get the idea.

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