In a recent post, we mentioned the phrase "Chanandler Bong," which, for Friends lovers, was a trivia response Rachel failed to give in a personalized trivia game all the Friends made about themselves in one infamous episode. In like form, we have a friends game that we play with all our old college roommates at particularly special reunions. It has no name, but involves writing 100 questions about our friends, dividing into named, costumed teams, and blissfully playing for as many hours as humanly possible. Additionally, we have lightning rounds. We would market the game, but you don't know who we are and so would not be able to answer questions about the number of our college roommates that have kissed Olympians.*
I, Claire, think that playing this Game (the ongoing event) is maybe one of my favorite life memories. Lara, as usual, would admit to this also being one of her top five life memories, but would let Claire talk about it and publicize it as she likes to pass the buck on all things embarassing and Claire is happy to oblige. Similarly, Claire is our new scapegoat for emulation of Jennifer Cox's Around the World in Eighty Dates, which we will write about when we figure out the exact specifics, which will take a few weeks as we have many things on our plate, but that Lara eluded to in the previous post.

Back to The Game. So, the most recent time we played was in Palm Springs in January for the joint birthdays of Lara and Claire. Yes, we were born(ed) 7 whole days apart. This is a picture of Lara, with TrippingOnMyCouch's Amalia. They were called Team Drunk French Clowns, which was a stupid name in my opinion, but then again my team, Team Fetus, won the 2006 Game, and so we were more intelligent. In this picture, you can see Team Drunk French Clowns thinking hard about this question: "What is the name of the blind (sad, but mostly funny) dog that Steph's parents have at their house in Arizona that/who walks into walls that you all met once in 2002?" Bonus if after 6 years you can also guess Steph's parents' names that for some reason manage to elude all of us regularly.** Team Drunk French Clowns got this right, by the way, to the awe of all involved.
Team Drunk French Clowns, with the words "Lamalia" (Lara + Amalia) and a Jewish star drawn on their chests (Amalia is Jewish, so please refer all queries on the inappropriateness of this to her at TrippingOnMyCouch), is thinking deeply.
* 2 Roommates. 2 Olympians. 25%.
**Answer: Eliot. And, for the record: Nancy and James/Jim.
P.S. *Someone* got a beautiful tattoo! News tomorrow!

Follow Up: I worried that Lara would not like me posting this picture of her as it is less than flattering, but when she saw it all she said was, pathetically, "I miss my hair." And then she started talking about missing those glasses, which are currently in three pieces because she sat on them while trekking to Everest Base Camp.
Tramp Stamp!
It's so nice to be able to read a blog entry every day from my faithful traveling friends, Lara and Claire.
Keep it up.
Oooh, that tat looks painful!
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