We are slowly returning back from our wedding week. Last night, we wrapped up the Seattle week with a lovely New Year's party with the same wedding party people we have been wedding partying with all week. As the umpteenth formal event in as many (umpteen) days, some things were really not that different. Claire was still overdressed, awkard elderly uncles were still hitting on Lara, relatives were still asking our friends if we were "actually as close as we seem" as they watched us dance on each other, and it still didn't really feel like it had been three years since we had last been partying with some of these people.
The evening derailed a bit when Claire got mad at everyone's New Year's Resolutions, which seemed to generally focus on such non-statements as "I want to find balance" and "I want to develop a routine." She thought these were nonsense resolutions, and kind of like saying that you are the kind of person that likes cute puppies, or pretty flowers, or nice people.
But then everyone said that Claire's New Year's resolution ("Meaningful romantic relationships in 2007!") was not only awkward to toast to (although they did, kindly sighing under their breath at our little over-sharer), but also more of a GOAL than a RESOLUTION. In sum, claire would like to say that everyone but Claire was wrong in identifying "routines" and "balance" as the chic, non-sucky resolutions for 2007.
Finally, to spice things up, Lara wore blue eye shadow. It was Claire's, and she thought it was a big deal because she had never worn blue eye shadow. Claire thought it looked pretty much the same, though. Much as most of the people at the wedding seemed the same as they had 7 years ago. But that was another "discussion" that Claire tried miserably to win with our fine looking friend Garrett, sadly and clearly failing many times over.
TrippingOnWords Note:
In closing, we just wanted to say thanks to every single one of our old Stanford friends for keeping up with this blog. It was really a riot for us to have you guys know some of the stuff we've been doing this year, whether it was buying bridesmaid dresses in Vietnam with Lara or talking about subcutaneous fat on first dates in France with Claire. Not only did it allow us to talk about our favorite topic, ourselves, but it encouraged us to post some idiotic wedding videos of you all on TOW. This, in turn, will blackmail you into reading TOW more often as you wait, paranoid, for your own starring role in YouTube embarrassments.
not only did I manage to post some horrific pictures...but I duplicated several others. this is a mess. but I don't feel like fixing it...
get it together clara. though i feel your pain, i keep downloading pics from padrez's album that are NOT the ones i thought they were.
i miss you already...
technically claire, you having a new year's LONGING. Goals are things you can accomplish by yourself and don't need anyone else to cooperate with you. Longings on the other hand are not in our direct control since they require other people to respond in a certain way. For instance, I can make it a goal to treat my sister with respect and love, but can't demand that she appreciate me or love me back. -just in case you were wondering
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