Day 179: And the Date is On!

Here, Rory acts as the Dating Middle Man to break the ice during dinner conversation between Claire and Wilkie the Date. FYI: these are all in small chunks, and not longer segments, due to problems with uploading. Problems that we are, as always, imminently fixing.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3:

In which Claire's favorite date things happen, meaning they eat Mexican food and talk about reality television.

And finally, a fact based video in which Wilkie steps back to tell us who he is as a person. You know, like on every date when the girl whips out a camera with awkward, halting questions to record funny things for her blog. Rory named this clip: "Being Franco American."

Wait, where is the video?

*IMPORTANT* P.S. from Claire. Lara is really going to slap me for this one. A dear friend (Padrez) alerted us to this groundbreaking news. Check out Cosmo's California Bachelor of 2006 to view what Lara's ex-non-boyfriends do not look like. There just might be a video as well. I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

LOL that's awkward. So nice that we could be privy to that... more, more, more!


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